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Digital Health Policy Strategies advises manufacturers, diagnostic companies, health systems, health IT companies, and startups on a wide range of healthcare issue areas.



Digital Health Policy Strategies creates innovative approaches and tactical plans that deliver solutions fit for each clients’ specific needs

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Strategy & Planning

Outline and execute tactical approaches to complex healthcare commercialization problems

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Medicare Reimbursement

Analyze and improve available coding, coverage, and reimbursement avenues

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Policy Development

Engage federal policymakers strategically to advance key issues

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Navigate Government Requirements

Translate healthcare regulations, guidance documents, and standards into actionable plans and engagement programs

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Data-Driven GTM Pathways

Identify and explore market competitors and windows of opportunity across portfolios

Our Approach


Our Approach

Digital Health Policy Strategies is a healthcare consultancy whose mission is to cut through the noise and find the connections between healthcare policies, innovations, action plans, and measurable outcomes. Whether it is through translating policies or developing strategic advocacy plans for a client, the focus centers on achieving the target goal by identifying the key needs, creating actionable steps, and driving the execution in a manner that advances our mission. To do so, we pave new avenues to available opportunities, leverage data-driven solutions that recontextualize challenges, and create long-term stakeholder relationships.


These efforts enable our clients to achieve their target goals by enabling the effective navigation of the complex healthcare landscape.


Client Results

Raised $5.7 million in Series A funding for a health tech startup


Created legislative language on multiple issues for the US House of Representatives including healthcare interoperability and the foundation of a demonstration project to reduce healthcare inefficiencies


Setup a $34.8M government contract including establishing required policies, outlining reporting processes and requirements, and identifying the optimal internal workflows


Increased a contractors’ billability by 100% through redesigning staff workflows and driving training of the 20+ member health policy team


Increased multiple clients’ policy presence on the Hill, within the Administration, and across industry decision makers through hill meetings, Congressional testimony, advocacy campaigns, and targeted education programs


Doubled an association’s grassroots efforts resulting in 18+ advocacy days across the states annually and increasing local chapter advocate numbers and engagements by 50% in one year



Let’s Work Together

To learn more about Digital Health Policy Strategies’ services or for media inquiries, please send us an email or submit the form.

Julie Brown-Georgi, MS, CAHIMS

Founder & CEO

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